Vocal Warmup

Back in March 2023, my friends, Gus, Bob and I participated in a vocal warmup workshop.

Obviously it's important to warm your voice up before you sing to improve the way your voice sounds, so we used vowels, hummed, and even sang a song that's mainly used for vocal warmups, "Chicken Tikka Starter". To be honest, at first I found it pretty awkward because I didn't really feel that confident, but after a few minutes, I started to engage with the warmup, and I honestly liked it. 

Next, we played a recording where the sound was transposed a pitch higher each time, and tested how high our voices could go, by humming and singing vowels. I was already feeling confident, so that was good. 

Finally the big part was coming. It was time to sing our chosen songs, and mine was "Mr Brightside" by a band called The Killers. I used my confidence (which I lack sometimes), and I genuinely felt like I was actually performing on a stage, which felt amazing. What I should of done though was maybe sing my notes a bit longer, but other than that, I think I did pretty well.

Overall, it was such a privilege and an amazing opportunity to be given this lesson, and I'm really happy I got to learn a few things along the way. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, and I'm terribly sorry for my inactivity, I've just been busy for the past few months and I've been working on other projects. 

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Jessica Gale

Jessica Gale

I am a student, currently studying music and Art. Here, you will see posts and reviews showing evidence of work and activities I have done. Thank you for taking time to view my account, I really appreciate it. :)

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