6 October 2021
Facebook whistleblower states website is harming children and damaging democracy
In a congressional testimony, a former employee of Facebook has said that the website puts “profits before people”.
18 June 2021
CogX - Building a digitally fit future: Big tech and accountability
Margrethe Vestager: “I think it is important that we do this right, that we do not accept technology for social scoring by the states, that we do not accept continuing biometric public identification in public space”
19 April 2021
Prominent Hong Kong pro-democracy activists imprisoned
The fallout of pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong in 2019 against mainland China has led to several prominent activists being sentenced to prison by a Chinese court.
8 April 2021
The UK is NOT a democracy
Our current voting system prevents us from ever having a government that represents the people.
29 August 2019
What does prorogation mean, and how will this impact Brexit?
Johnson’s decision for an extended Parliamentary recess has worrying implications for democracy
28 February 2019
The democratic argument behind a People’s Vote
Tackling some misconceptions around the concept of democracy
22 October 2018
Why I marched for a People’s Vote on 20 October and what you can do if you want your say
30 October 2016
Dialogues & Debates: Sahar Aziz
Sahar Aziz, Professor of Law at Texas A&M University, speaks about privacy, security, and digital inclusion