21 July 2022
Madness concert review: ‘Oh what fun we had…’
On a beautiful Friday evening, Madness descended on Shrewsbury for what was hoped to be an atmospheric and, for many, reminiscent few hours; reviving, not just the sound of the 80s, but the sound of working-class Britain. It was exactly that.
18 June 2022
Libby Heaney: slimeQore
Join us for a live performative lecture sliding into the slimy world of quantum computing as both medium and subject matter as part of Among the Machines at the Zabludowicz Collection.
17 April 2020
Pavey Ark - "Close Your Eyes and Think of Nothing"
Pavey Ark are a fast-rising alternative folk band from Hull, fronted by singer and songwriter Neil Thomas. Formed in 2016, their debut album “Close Your Eyes and Think of Nothing" is out March 20th. See live at London's Green Note on April 13th.
8 April 2017
Theatre Counterpoint's 'Am I Pretty?' at the Camden People's Theatre
"Your future self...now," are you a true human being if you have not asked yourself the question: 'Am I Pretty?'
23 March 2017
Interview with Theatre Counterpoint
London based collective of international performing artists talk about their latest piece, Am I Pretty?