My review of Tinkerbell

Hello there! Today i am doing a review on a movie called Tinkerbell for my Bronze award.

This movie is about a fairy called Tinkerbell. She is a Tinker fairy but she wants to be more than that because Tinker fairies can’t go to the mainland where she wants to go. So she tries some of her friend’s talents.

Her friends are called Fawn, Irredessa, Silvermist and Rose. Rose or Rosetta is a garden fairy, Silvermist is a water fairy, Fawn is an animals fairy and Irridessa is a light fairy.

What i like about this movie is the way they designed it. Like the fairies outfits, for example, Irridessa is a light fairy and her dress is made out of sunflower petals. They also have homes made out of leaves and other plants.

I also really like the message of the movie. The message os never try to be someone you’re not and be proud of who you are.

What i also liked is it is family friendly so everyone can watch and enjoy it at any age.

My final score for it is 9/10 it’s a beautiful movie and the message is brilliant. It is also funny as well.

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Elise Copp-Taylor

Elise Copp-Taylor

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  • Carol Leach

    On 16 March 2021, 17:27 Carol Leach commented:

    this is a very interesting review as you have given us lots of details, the design elements of the film sound great.

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