Shrek the musical review

This a review of Shrek the musical.

Shrek The Musical review

By Alicia 

January 2021

The Shrek musical is a Broadway performance which I have watched online through YouTube. ( There are many actors performing the Story of Shrek . The main characters are Fiona (Sutton Foster) and Shrek (Brian D'Arcy James) and Donkey (Daniel Breaker). The movie was aimed at children and adults making it a family show because the whole family can be engaged, it has light hearted humor which is appropriate for all ages. it was very engaging with lots of singing and dancing with comedy and romance.

The characters were all very well spoken each having individual accents whiteout making them hard to understand. and the cast was very inclusive because it included a range of   different shape bodies. Donkey was my favorite character because he made me laugh he especially made me laugh in the scene where he met Shrek. The jokes were very funny and kept the audience excited to keep watching. My funniest moment was when Shrek had to apologize to donkey. the songs and dances helped make the show exciting and it engaged the audience very favorite song was I'm a believer. The makeup was very dramatic with bright colors this made the character look friendly and exiting. The costumes they were bright and colorful and reflected the bubbliness of the show. The scenery was excellent as shown inj the tower scene, which made it look like the tower was in the sky, the lighting was also well done. I think that the show was very well performed because it wasn't boring or seemed like it dragged on too long in any of the scenes.

 I feel that there was carelessness with the script where mental health was mentioned. For example, I feel that the way panic attacks and bipolar were brought up in more jokey way could offend some people. Although I do feel that mental illnesses should be spoken about more openly, putting them in a play without speaking about how serious those things can be quite toxic. Furthermore, I feel that the fact that Lord Farquhar servants dressed the boys in blue and the girls in red skirts, this could been seen as gender stereotyping as it shows what general society would "expect" .with boys being seen as a "boys"color. Furthermore assigning colors to genders is not inclusive to other genders, it also makes it seem like men and women can’t wear the same clothes.

Overall, I feel that it was a good show because it was just so engaging; it's good for watching with your family. I also think some of the parts of the play were quite inconsiderate so therefore I think people should watch it with that in mind or be ready to answer .i give it a 4 star rating.

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Alicia Burrows

Alicia Burrows

Alicia is a young artist interested in wild life and pets.


  • Alicia Burrows

    On 31 January 2021, 17:48 Alicia Burrows commented:

    Excellent review

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