Beauty and The Beast Review

For my Bronze award I can't go to see a show or exhibit during lockdown so I have chosen to watch and review the 2017 film Beauty and The Beast.

I rate this film 9/10.

The visual effects of the CGI are brilliant, particularly during Be Our Guest, and the diverse cast of villagers seem much more inclusive than those in the original animation. One of the things that I liked most about this version of Beauty and The Beast is that it provides a history for the main characters which helps me as an audience member to feel more connected to them. The actor playing Gaston makes the character as comically vain as the original animated version. I got the impression that La Fou was in love with Gaston for most of the film but Gaston treated him very badly so it was nice to see La Fou at the wedding ball being partnered by a man who seems to be happy to dance with him. I thought all the actors did a wonderful job and I enjoyed all the songs and thought they were sung very well. The costumes were beautiful and the CGI animation was amazing.

Header Image Credit: Disney

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Emma Lawson

Emma Lawson

My name is Emma, I am 11 years old.

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  • Carol Leach

    On 21 November 2020, 17:38 Carol Leach commented:

    I agree you do get a deeper understanding of the characters because it gives you a wider back story than normal, well noticed and great review.

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