Monsters University Film Reveiw

This is a film review of Monsters University that I wrote for my Bronze Arts Award. Monsters University was released in 2013 by Disney Pixar and directed by Dan Scanlon.

Monsters University Film Reveiw

Film review of Monsters University

Monsters University was released in 2013 by Disney Pixar and directed by Dan Scanlon.

It is a funny animation which will keep the whole family entertained. It stars Billy Crystal as Mike Wazowski and John Goodman as James "Sully" Sullivan. Mike first began dreaming of becoming a scarer and to help to power the monsters world by collecting children's screams, when he visited a scare factory on a school trip. From that day he was determined to become one when he grew up. The film follows Mike through monsters university as he strives to achieve his goal.

The film has many positive messages including: friendship, not giving up and working hard to achieve your dream. I think this film is very entertaining because it is funny and very enjoyable. I would recommend this film for all ages but would be best for children aged 5+ as it has occasional arguments and scary scenes. 

I am looking forward to watching the sequel: Monsters Inc.

Header Image Credit: Disney Movies

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Alfie Owen

Alfie Owen

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  • Carol Leach

    On 2 October 2020, 16:41 Carol Leach commented:

    excellent review, I enjoyed Monsters Inc. and wondered if this movie was suitable for my granddaughter, with your recommendation I will wait until she's a bit older.

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