
Puppets, bags, boots and a lesson in sign-language, what more could you want at 10 in the morning?


A warm welcome starts this show, as we are greeted by the storyteller (Kinny Gardner), apparently taking care of a baby in his front room. Once everyone is in and settled down, he then begins the most charming "please turn off your phone" message I have ever come across. It's worth seeing the show just for that – genuinely. From here the show truly begins, it's a simple tale, I think we've all heard of Cinderella, but the reason for seeing this show is not plot, it is in-fact for the charming manner through which it was told.

The use of puppets plays a big part of this show, although I perhaps wouldn't class them as puppets per-se, more ragdolls (and a dustpan cat) that have been adapted slightly for use as puppets. When watching him perform it seemed nothing more than a pleasant man, telling a story to some children, while playing with some toys, and it's absolutely blissful. His manner of delivery is soft and warm, while still being interesting and engaging. His delivery isn't just auditory, it's visual, as throughout the performance, he signs in international sign language, meaning that children that have learned to speak sign language can enjoy this show as well. He uses simple language that children can understand, but not so simple that the adults feel patronised.

This show is wonderfully charming, and makes you want to curl up with a mug of cocoa. It's comforting and very clever in it's execution. Make no mistake, this is a children's show, I suspect all children, regardless of gender or age will enjoy it, and many adults will appreciate the skill that goes into the performance. It might perhaps appeal to a certain type of adult, however, aside from those with children I suspect that it is unlikely that many adults will want see it.

Cinder-ella is on in the Guilded Balloon on the following dates: 10th - 11th, 13th - 16th, and the 18th - 23rd . Performances start at 10:00 and have a run time of 45 minutes. Tickets cost £7.00 Monday-Thursday and £7.50 Friday-Sunday, seating is unallocated, so arrive early to get a good spot! For more information and tickets, please go here.


Joshua Gould

Joshua Gould Contributor

Voice Web Administrator/Social Media Man/Struggling Actor/Human.
I try to get as involved in the arts as I can be, more often than not by getting up on stage, but also by reviewing shows! I'm JoshGould95 on all social media, so if you've got a show you want me to too look at, hit me up!

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