Cirque du soliel

Cirque du soliel review

Cirque du soliel

Cirque du soliel review

My expectations going into cirque du Soleil were that the acrobats would be extremely talented and do extraordinary tricks. This time I went the acrobats were still just as amazing however they had  ‘comedy’ clown sections and included the public as well. 

 My favourite part of the show this time was the Acrobats especially at the end where they all took part in trampolining doing flips in tricks off a high scaffolding set up along with lots of music and flashing lights which made it seem even more amazing. I was amazed by all of the moves and jumps that they were doing. One of the other acts that shocked me was these two men who were on two circles opposite each other and they would run, jump and do flips whilst spinning around in circles not attached to anything. The acrobats were very different to last year in the type of acts they did but the level of talent was just as good. 

 The ‘comedy’ clown section didn't impress me though. The clown wasn't very funny and it was hard to understand what he was trying to do and say as he didn't use words he only used sounds. The clown also included members of the audience in his act who weren't really sure how to play along ,there was one woman that he brought up on stage as she looked confused and awkward and didn't know what to do. The audience was also not sure how to react aswell so I feel I was not the only one who was confused in what was happening in these times.

Overall I would recommend to go and see it. Despite not enjoying the ‘comedy’ clown sections the acrobats were phenomenal. The artists are amazingly talented. Definitely worth going to see. The atmosphere of the circus is also really special and good with the  music playing and the stunning light effects

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Isabella Reeds

Isabella Reeds

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