In case you don't know what Bandlab is, it is a music producing app that lets you make songs to your heart's content. I made a recreation of a song that I really like called All The Small Things by blink-182.
First, I had to think about the drums. I searched through some samples of good drum beats to add to my project. Eventually I had found a good soundtrack.
Next, I needed to think about the bass. Again, I searched for some samples, and then I found a good track. It was actually an electric guitar soundtrack but it was still very useful.
The final step was to think about the melody. I recorded a soundtrack of a piano with it's keys changed to a guitar, then I added a few drum beats and BOOM! All done.
Bandlab is an amazing software for young music creators and those who want to find out what they're passionate about. Thank you so much for taking the time to view my post. Remember to always chase your dreams and do whatever makes you feel happy. It doesn't matter what people might think of this as they're probably jealous of you. Reach as high as you want because the sky is not the limit. I hope you guys are having a great day!
You should listen to my version of Two Princes!