A fun musical day out!

On Friday 16th September 2022, we went on a music related trip to Broadstairs Bandstand to see a gig. (Apologies for the bad photo quality)

A fun musical day out!

Wow, that was fun! I love going on trips, especially what we did on Friday 16th September 2022. Me, Mrs Short, Mr Dunson, Mrs Wilford and my friends jumped in the 9-seater, sang a bunch of songs we like, and went to Broadstairs Bandstand to see this performer - Nick Kelly. 

When we arrived, we had lunch, then walked over to the bandstand. I actually quite liked the gig, because Nick (or Mr Kelly as Mr Dunson refers to him) was really funny between songs, because he talked to the audience in a funny way just like a comedian. 

However, there was something that didn't the go the way it was planned - because it was a windy day, Nick's guitar kept going out of tune and he couldn't bring it back to perfect pitch, but it still sounded good and the gig continued as normal. 

Sadly, all good things must come to an end, and the time came to go back to school. We did exactly the same thing as we did on the way to the bandstand - we jumped in the 9-seater and sang songs.

We made it back to school safely. Mr Dunson had the Spin Doctors classic Two Princes playing in his head, so he thought maybe he would pick up a guitar and play that song. That was a fun day!

Unfortunately, Nick Kelly is no longer performing at Broadstairs Bandstand until 2023, but you can see him in other locations around Kent.

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Gus Payne

Gus Payne

I'm Gus. I'm a (pretty tall) Year 11 student who is studying art, photography and music. I’m doing the Bronze and Silver levels in the Arts Award for music. Here, you can see blog posts on what I do in those music lessons I have with my good friends.

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  • Gus Payne

    On 11 November 2022, 15:04 Gus Payne commented:

    Sorry if this isn't the best, this is my first post and I've only just learnt how to post.

  • Jessica Gale

    On 18 November 2022, 12:43 Jessica Gale commented:

    Cool post!

  • Mr Dunson

    On 25 November 2022, 14:04 Mr Dunson commented:

    Excellent article!

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