Voice is looking to commission a filmmaker for a series of shorts

Voice is looking for a filmmaker and curator to produce a series of shorts that showcase and interview young media creatives

Voice is looking to commission a filmmaker for a series of shorts

Budget: £900 (plus up to £100 agreed expenses)

Date of completion: 28th October 2020

Voice is a magazine and platform for young creatives covering arts, culture, politics and technology. Our aim is to deliver contemporary, thoughtful and provocative pieces. We believe arts, culture, politics and tech are all interconnected, and we explore those connections through interviews, features and comment pieces.

With support from Arts Council England, we are looking for a media-maker to create and curate a series of shorts that explore how young artists are using digital channels to make and promote their work. This approach may have been prompted by the restrictions of the Covid-19 lockdown or may have already been happening. 

Through this commission, the selected media-maker would research and identify 3-4 young creatives who are using digital media to create artistic content and/or raise awareness of specific issues. They would create a series of short videos that interweave this digital content with an interview with the artist talking about how they make their work and how they use digital media to create and communicate. If safe to do so these interviews can be filmed in-person, otherwise should be recorded using Zoom or comparable video calling software.

 The artists to be featured can be sourced and proposed by the filmmaker, but Voice may be able to suggest artists and would want to approve the list before production. Voice expects a diverse range of artists, taking into consideration ethnicity, gender and underlying art form. Furthermore, we would like each artist to focus on one of these subject areas:

  • Black Lives Matter
  • Climate Change
  • A local issue  

The artist from each category should be considered as ‘entry-level’, using affordable devices to capture and create their work (I.e. not requiring thousands of pounds of investment to do so). The interview should specifically question how they are using these readily available devices, their top tips for people who want to start creating media, and explore the democratization of media. It would be ideal if other artists from each category have also used mobile devices, so you can talk about their progression path.

Each video should be no more than 3 minutes long, and all content should be cleared for redistribution. Accompanying each video should be a 15 second teaser that can be shared on social media, including on Instagram. A separate video should also be created that brings together all of the advice and be no more than five minutes in length. 

We estimate that this work should take approximately 6 days and we will need to agree to the final videos, and you should factor in that we may request minor revisions to the videos if necessary. We anticipate that you will work closely with us to plan and create the videos so that there are as few changes required as possible. 

Outputs of project

  • Separate interview videos for each creative, no longer than 3 minutes in length
  • 15 second teasers for each interview, suitable for social media
  • One video of no more than 5 minutes that pulls together the advice from all of the artists on how to make DIY media

How to apply

If you would like to apply to take on this commission, please email the following to [email protected] with the subject line ‘Media commission’

  • A pitch of no more than 500 words outlining your understanding of the commission, how you would approach the task, and any names of people you would like to contact.
  • Examples of your previous work, ideally on YouTube or Vimeo
  • An up to date CV 

The deadline for application is 16:00 on 1 October 2020.

Please be aware that that this commission will be subject to a set of terms and conditions which include that Upstart Projects will own the copyright of the material produced once paid for; but will allow you to use the work for your own personal marketing purposes (not for resale).

This brief is available to download as pdf here.

Header Image Credit: Photo by CoWomen from Pexels


Voice Magazine

Voice Magazine

Voice is a magazine and platform for young creatives covering arts, culture, politics and technology. This account contains anonymous posts, information regarding the website and our events.

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