Meet the Artist - The Keeper's Daughter

We are lucky to work with lots of fantastic and talented local artists, musicians, workshop leaders and community performers across the year, at our Launch event and the Festival in July.

We will feature one Meet the Artist blog each week leading up to DissFest’ 2018.

Meet the Artist - The Keeper's Daughter

Firstly, tell us about your theatre company? When did you start?

We started in 2011, touring physical theatre adaptations of classic novels to rural venues + creating new writing for young people. 2011 was our first community version of the play we’re presenting at DissFest.

Over the years we’ve tried many ways of making work and have collaborated with loads of imaginative people. We now mainly create genre-based new writing for young adult audiences.

What’s the best bit about being a theatre maker?

Working with creative people to make inspiring art.

Tell us about the best theatre you’ve seen to date.

Two pieces come to mind:

  • Pool, No Water by Mark Ravenhill and Frantic Assembley - I saw this three times in the same week at Lyric Hammersmith. The fusion of new writing, physical theatre and electronic music showed me that the kind of work I wanted to make existed. It was possible and viable.
  • Tis Pity She’s A Whore by John Ford - Cheek By Jowl toured a version of this a few years ago. It is my favourite play and their production hit every beat that a Jacobean production should hit. It was brutal, funny, vibrant and shocking. It made you feel every emotion.

Who inspires you as an artist?

The people I work with, whether that be in a professional context or community setting; actors, musicians, designers, producers, business leaders, young people, older people, everyone. Inspiration is never far away if you surround yourself with intelligent, artistic people.

Do you have any advice for young people interested in becoming a theatre maker?

  • Make as much work as possible. Make it yourself any way you can. Make the work you want to make.
  • Work with people who bring new skills.
  • Go to the theatre.  
  • Listen to peoples’ advice but trust your gut. If you love it, do it. If you don’t love it, do something else.

Do you have a website, social media links, when is your next theatre show, anything else you’d like to promote?

  • Twitter: @keepersdaughter
  • Our next theatre show will be in early 2019. The Wandering Spectre – a promenade sci-fi ghost story for non-theatrical venues.
  • Our new web series, filmed in Diss will be released later this year. Keep an eye out:


Luke Taylor

Luke Taylor Contributor

I work as the Network Administrator for Voice. Having completed my apprenticeship at Unit Twenty Three, I continue my work supporting Voice and the Youth Network in whatever way possible. Music is my passion, and I will happily talk about all the bands you've probably never heard of!

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