Interview with Zach Zucker, host and creator of Stamptown Comedy Night

"All I could think about as I was laying facedown was how nice those $400 Australian Dollars would feel landing in my bank account."

Interview with Zach Zucker, host and creator of Stamptown Comedy Night

Could you first introduce yourself to the reader?

Hello my name is Zach Zucker, I’m 6 feet, 6’4 in heels, I’m 16 years old and I’m ready to be a star! 

How would you describe your show?

It’s pretty epic tbh. Probably the most epic show you’ll ever see in your life. Yeah… lock it in. 

What is your favourite part of your show?

The best part about the show is that I get to work with a bunch of wonderful and brilliant individuals who are also my favourite performers in the world. I’m so lucky that I get to surrounded myself with such talented folks and I never take it for granted when we’re able to get everyone together.  

If your show had a theme song, what would it be and why?

Probably the song baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo because in a way we’re all baby sharks who go doo doo doo doo doo doo.  

What is one thing you hope audiences will take away from your show?

I hope people leave feeling rejuvenated, energized and inspired. But also, we want them to leave feeling wild, rowdy and horny. It’s a late-night show for a reason ;) 

If you could add a surprise celebrity cameo to your show, who would it be and why?

We’ve always wanted to have Rack Jackson on the show who is the founder, president and CEO of DylanBrand. Nobody has seen in him since 1973 but if there was any way we could reach him, we would do anything to have him on.

Why do you want to perform at Edinburgh Festival Fringe?

It’s the greatest arts festival in the world and it’s uniquely positioned as a meeting place the greatest international performers from all over the world. It’s also one of the only times I get to see all of my friends from all over the world and honestly the least expensive way for all of us to get together… which is ironic for many reasons. Baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo  

What differentiates it from other festivals?

It’s famously located in Edinburgh, Scotland, which is my favourite part of England!  

What is one thing you would change about the Edinburgh Festival Fringe?

It’s geographical positioning on Earth so climate change could do its thing a little faster and make it warmer!  

How has your background, upbringing and education had an impact on your artistic career?

As a former baseball and basketball player turned clown, I feel like the team-aspect of sports really shines through in the ensemble/team approach I take to all of the shows I create. I believe I bring a lot to the table as an individual, but I am undeniably better when I am surrounded by/working with a team of people who I look up to and admire. I truly hated my basketball coach in high school, but he taught me a few invaluable lessons, one of them being the importance of hard work and discipline. I want to be the greatest performer that ever lived, and I want to surround myself with my favourite performers in the world so I can continue to push myself and learn. And my baseball coach (who I also hated) taught me that if you have an affair with the mum of one of your players and the dad is really rich, they’ll donate more money to the programme and get you better sports equipment :) 

What is your favourite thing about performing for a live audience?

Soaking up those sweet, sweet laughs doo doo doo doo doo doo  

What is the strangest thing that has ever happened to you while performing?

This past year we did a gig out in Tumblerock while we were traveling out West and the show was mainly full of legitimate cowboys and cowgirls. People with hats, boots, chaps, the whole shebang. There was a coat check for everyone’s shotguns which was truly the most bizarre thing I’ve ever seen and a few of them straight up rocked up to the venue on horseback. Most epic gig ever. 

What's the most challenging or unconventional venue you've ever performed in, and how did it impact the overall experience?

Zach & Viggo (Zach Zucker and Viggo Venn’s double act) performed at the Westfield in Adelaide at 8:00am back in 2017 after Viggo broke his hand the night before, falling off a skateboard. We showed up on 2 hours sleep, to a crowd of like 30ish people, and I got attacked by a gang of rabid children who charged at me and hit me with pillows while Viggo winced in pain and eventually left for hospital. All I could think about as I was laying facedown was how nice those $400 Australian Dollars would feel landing in my bank account.

Is there a piece of feedback you've received from an audience member or critic after a performance that’s stuck with you?

There was a critic named Evan from Fest Mag who reviewed my solo show in 2018 that really lit a fire under my ass and I am extremely thankful for this review. He very correctly called out what was going on in a way that was both accurate and constructive, and I think about that a lot. 

What is your favourite thing to do in Edinburgh when you're not performing? How do you relax and look after your mental health?

Baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo  

Is there a show you’re excited to see when you’re up there?

Aside from all of the Stamptown acts (which are obviously my favourite shows) I am always excited to see my friends Rosie Jones, Olga Koch, Sikisa, Glenn Moore and my best friend Viggo Venn who just won Britain’s Got Talent!! 

What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone thinking about taking a show up to Edinburgh? If you’ve never been before, what would you say has been (potentially) the most useful?

Don’t do it unless you have a burning desire in your mind, body, heart and soul. Almost everything is stacked against you and you have to know that going into it otherwise you’re setting yourself up for failure. Basically, as long as you know there’s a massive chance you’ll lose a lot of money, not get the critical acclaim you believe you deserve, lose your mind every day and you STILL want to do it, then I would say talk to your therapist and make a decision. 

Stamptown Comedy Night will be at 11pm in Pleasance Courtyard (Forth)on5th, 10th-12th, 17th-19th, 24th-26th August 

Booking link: 

Header Image Credit: Jill Petracek


Tom Inniss

Tom Inniss Voice Team

Tom is the Editor of Voice. He is a politics graduate and holds a masters in journalism, with particular interest in youth political engagement and technology. He is also a mentor to our Voice Contributors, and champions our festivals programme, including the reporter team at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

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