Interview with magician and comedian Dom Chambers

Already well established in Australia, Dom is bringing a show to Edinburgh Festival Fringe for the first time. We talk about the appeal of the Fringe, how he got started in performance and offers one crucial bit of advice to anyone looking to take a show to Edinburgh. 

Interview with magician and comedian Dom Chambers

Could you first introduce yourself to the reader?

Hello!Hi. I’m Dom Chambers, a comedian and magician from, Melbourne Australia.

I do things that are impossible. Sometimes, these things are also funny. Basically, it’s my job to blow your mind and make you laugh. And I take this job very seriously.

How would you describe your show?

Being my first time performing in Edinburgh, I’ve put together a 'best-of’ kinda’ show. Sure – there’s a loose, silly, and pretty damn juvenile narrative arc that brings it all together. But, really, I just wanted to show Edinburgh audiences my best bits from my last 10 years of performing.

Why do you want to perform at Edinburgh Festival Fringe?

Obviously, to lose a ton of money. Other than that, it’s something I’ve known I’ve always just wanted to do.

About 5 years ago, I visited Fringe as a spectator. This trip was a turning point in my life. I was working full time as a ‘corporate magician’ – performing run of the mill magic to real estate agents and other businessy people who couldn’t give a crap if I was there or not. Seeing people push the boundaries of their art form really excited me, and inspired me to do the same with magic. I honestly believe this is the reason for any success I’ve had over the past 5 years.

What differentiates it from other festivals?

On my first night in Edinburgh, I saw someone play a musical instrument with their genitals. Tell me another festival where you can see that.

What first motivated you to enter the industry? Who were your inspirations?

Most people in the industry told me not to. I was a stubborn and persistent little prick, so I did anyway. My early inspirations were Simon Coronel, a genius from Australia, and, as difficult as it is to admit, Criss Angel.

How has your background, upbringing and education had an impact on your artistic career?

I couldn’t sing or dance, but I conned my way into the high school musical production every year. My main motivation was to meet girls, but I grew an addiction to the stage as a by-product.

What is your earliest childhood art memory?

Doing a strip tease in the lounge room to ‘Leave Your Hat On’ when I was five, after watching The Full Monte. My parents still have the video.

If you didn’t have your current job, what would you probably be doing?

Running Diabolo workshops at music festivals.

Did Covid-19 change the way you create work? Do you approach shows with a different mentality now?

I tend to cough less on my audiences.

Describe the last year in 5 words or less?

Far less crying.

Do you subscribe to the idea that art should be exempt from ‘cancel culture’?

This is a sticky one, and far too complex for my morning brain to sum up in a Q&A.

If you could work with anybody, from any point in history, who would you pick and why?

Dane Certificate. You will never see him perform and you’ll probably never hear his name again, and I can’t explain what a tragedy that is.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to take a show up to the fringe?

Book accommodation early.

When and where can people see your show?

I’m performing every day of the festival at Assembly, George Square, specifically The Blue Room at 17:50.

And where can people find, follow and like you online?

@domjchambers on Instagram. I was recently banned from TikTok, but I’ve started again @domchamberscraps

Dom Chambers debut magic show ‘Fake Wizard’ will be at Assembly George Square Blue Room at 5.50pm for the month of August for tickets go to 

Header Image Credit: Monica Pronk


Tom Inniss

Tom Inniss Voice Team

Tom is the Editor of Voice. He is a politics graduate and holds a masters in journalism, with particular interest in youth political engagement and technology. He is also a mentor to our Voice Contributors, and champions our festivals programme, including the reporter team at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

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