'My Word is Gold' winner: Freya Averley

Freya Averley, lives in Newcastle. She is now 16 - she did her Gold Arts Award while 15 - and has been training circus intensively for nearly 4 years with Five Ring Circus at Circus Central in Newcastle.

'My Word is Gold' winner: Freya Averley

What made you pick your topic?

The topic of "Circus children and education – ready for the World", relates to me. I don't think it is often discussed, mostly because people have a set opinion on children working in circus.

How can opinion writing help to promote topical issues?

Opinion writing can show both sides of a topic and shed light on areas which are not often seen, like children enjoying & learning from working because it makes them feel grown up.

Do you feel there is enough emphasis put on your voice as a young creative?

Yes, Because I have performance opportunities, and space & time to train & rehearse routines.

Why are young people's voices so important in cultural debates?

Young people's voices aren't fully included, in the debate. It is important however, because they will be the next generation, so the choices made will effect them.

When did you complete your Gold, and what was the best thing about it?

I completed my Gold Arts Award in July 2015 (Moderation was in September 2015) The idea of having a qualification in is something I enjoy. The best bit was doing all my circus as part of it. It helped me be more organisied in my circus training and to become a leader with in the circus.

What advice would you give to anyone who is starting their Unit 1, Part D?

Write about a topic that is not often talked about and that you feel passionate about.




Emily Steer

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