Top tip 3: Artists are wonderful

Find them, talk to them, work with them - get inspired across the arts. Great place to start is reading Voice interviews …and you'll find some artists already love Arts Award, check poet Holly McNIsh

Top tip 3: Artists are wonderful

I know it can be scary at times to talk to other artists, especially those who are successful. We have to remember that they are human and they are not going to bite your head off! Most Artists want to help aspiring young creatives on their journey to success. So talk to them, make life easy for yourself and ask someone who was once in the same position as you. You never know, you might even become friends.

Once you have decided who you would like to talk to, contact them. This can be tricky as they are usually very busy people, however, there are various forms of communication. Try looking on Arts Award Voice and reading some of our Voice Interviews, you will find that some artists are already Arts Award lovers and supporters.

Talking to fellow artists can be really helpful, especially when doing your Arts Award. You can learn so much about your art form through talking to somebody who is already doing it, even talking to somebody who is doing something that you may not originally be interested in can be so beneficial for you and your Arts Award. This is a chance for you to get inspired by other people and the work they have done.

If you get in regular contact with a particular artist, then you may be lucky enough to have the experience of working with them. Why not ask the question? If you don't ask you will never know. You could even write about your experience and put it up on Art Award Voice as blog.

There are plenty of artists out there who can inspire you to develop your own art form. Don't be scared to make that first step. Find them, talk to them, work with them.

Read all of our top tips here.



Shannon  Hay

Shannon Hay

I am an aspiring actor who is currently taking a year apprenticeship at Chichester Festival Theatre whilst auditioning for Drama school. I am one of the new Arts Award Activists, which I am very much enjoying and I am currently doing my Gold Arts Award.

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