Being predominantly greyscale, the picture has a dark and sombre tone. This is further emphasised by the use of highlights for definition, instead of pencil strokes. The vacant eyes give Batman a sense of emptiness, which is contrasted by the animalistic features of his cowl and the pure emotion displayed his posture and facial expression. The subtle smiley face is almost making a mockery of the pain that Batman evidently displays in this picture.
On the other hand, the lightning strike on the right side of the face provides a light source that brightens the rain and reveals a more human side to Batman's face.
I did not have a spare frame with which to stage my final piece so I created one myself. I ended up preferring it to a store-bought frame, as it ties in with the contrasts and imperfections of personality and emotion that I reflect in my drawing.
This is really good piece of work Jaya - I really want to see it in full :)