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6 January 2019
Lea Michele and Darren Criss Concert
A review for the Lea Michele and Darren Criss Concert
9 December 2018
The Natural History Museum: Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2018
A review for the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition at The Natural History Museum
Comment posted on 11 December 2018
The photos were organised in categories such as 'Animals in their Environment', 'Behaviour: Birds/Mammals/Amphibians and Reptiles', 'Urban Wildlife' and 'Plants and Fungi'. In total, there were around 17 different categories with a winner for each one. I don't think there was an overall message, however most photos, especially those in the 'Wildlife Journalism' category had strong meanings. For example, the winner of the category, Joan de la Malla, took a photo called 'The Sad Clown'. In it, a macaque is being trained for a street show whilst wearing an uncomfortable clown mask.