26 November 2021
Top tips from Nick Lawford's Fundraising talk with Connecting Notts
This blog post will summarise tips taken from the Fundraising talk with Nick Lawford, organised by Connecting Notts, a partnership of young people who represent cultural organisations throughout Nottinghamshire. Connecting Notts have organised a range of events throughout October and November to help increase awareness and accessibility into the arts and culture sector.
29 April 2021
Raise and Young Arts Fundraisers webinar- ‘How to Make an Ask’ Top 5 Tips
My Top 5 tips on fundraising provided by the Raise and Young Arts Fundraisers webinar- ‘How to Make an Ask’.
19 March 2021
Alfreton Voice Choir online busk for Red Nose Day
Alfreton Male Voice Choir, ‘busk’ to raise funds for the annual Comic Relief ‘Red Nose Day’, defying age and technology to do their bit for the cause.
17 July 2019
Businesses help raise £2.3m for Manchester International Festival
An ambitious fundraising campaign sees MIF raise 10% of all annual corporate giving in the UK outside of London.
16 June 2018
Art Exhibit at Kite Studios
Kite Studios Summer Celebration & Art Exhibition
Saturday, 16th of June: 3pm to 6pm
12 May 2017
Comedy Sans Frontières - 6 May line-up
An admirable cause for comedy – 70% of donations from this free show go to Médecins Sans Frontières with a new line up every weekend.