Review of Sleeping Beauty the Animated Film by Walt Disney

Here is my short review of the animated film Sleeping Beauty by Walt Disney, by Caroline

Review of Sleeping Beauty the Animated Film by Walt Disney

l love the animated film, Sleeping Beauty and there are lots of little touches and details I missed when I was watching it last time. eg. The style of the animation kind of had a stained glass look.  The characters are good but in this movie the main characters, Aurora and Prince Philip are the most complex.  I noticed that they do go mute at the end of the film and there is very little dialogue towards the end but I still like them. The fairies are good characters to and bring some humour to the story.  Maleficent is one of the most iconic Disney villains ever made.  The animators used colour well too.  For example when the fairies are at Maleficent's lair and they are the only bright colour used or the when Aurora pricks her finger on the spindle of the spinning wheel. This use of colour against a dark background highlights the battle of good vs evil theme in the story. The music is one of the highlights of the movie. I love “once upon a dream”.  The animation has its own look and feel that is unique to this story of good vs evil.

In conclusion its a very good movie, suitable for all ages and I would recommend you watch it if you haven't seen it already.

Header Image Credit: Walt Disney Company

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Caroline Thorp

Caroline Thorp

13 year old artist, based in the North of England. Home educated.

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