I am reviewing the music video "Elastic Heart" by Sia.
The song has been interpreted as being a bit creepy I think the hidden message is being haunted by your demons and not being able to escape. It's very unique and it's got good dance moves. its a form of contemporary dance and is "Animalistic". The middle section signifies try reconcile with your demons when they are on the floor and touching but then it goes wrong again and the fight dance again. The final scene is the man wrestling to get out of the cage and I think this is him not being able to escape his own fears.
The dancer is called Maddie Ziegler and she was 11 years old in the video. A lot of people interpreted the two figures as being in love and thought that it was weird and in appropriate but rather than being literal I think the dance is symbolic of trying to rid yourself of demons. I think it's a really good video because the style of dance is very experimental and you don't see many music videos taking risks like that. I think the video makes the song seem quite emotional but when you hear the track alone it doesn't seem that deep.
Here is the link to the video:
Great insight Sophie! Sophie had a chat about her review with school staff and got good feedback. (Kerry Nixon, Arts Award advisor)