The Lion King - The Lyceum Theatre

Exhilarating, fun and colourful review of Disney’s Lion King Musical at The Lyceum Theatre.

The Lion King - The Lyceum Theatre

The Lyceum theatre is a 200 year old, Grade 2 listed building. We entered through the side door and climbed 82 steps to our seats in the Grand circle. Stepping out was exhilarating, I was so high up and surrounded by wall sculptures of cherubs and colours of red and gold. Our seats offered value for money and an overall view of the stage, however we were a long way from the stage so facial expressions and detail of the costumes of the actresses and actors were missed.

The story was about a lion cub who ran away after the death of his father, the friends he made on his journey and how he came back home to take his place as king. The costumes were beautiful. Actors and actresses were made to look just like the African animals, in how they were painted, dressed and moved. Being further away we couldn’t see the actors or actresses faces and so they looked even more like the African animals.

I thought the was performance truly enjoyable. The scenery was very creative. One of my favourite parts was the ladies dressed as the grass, they had big mesh dresses and were holding grass in their hands. As they danced and twisted, it looked as if the grass was moving as an animal ran through it. Another thing I liked was the dramatic stampede of antelope. I also thought the songs were powerful, they enraptured the audience and tied the story together. It was fantastic to be able to see the Lion King musical. Regardless of the seating distance, it was  overall a wonderful experience. I would highly recommend it for you, if you get the opportunity.

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Lorena Helm

Lorena Helm

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