The Blue Carpet Band Live at 229 4/11/23

My mum first took me to see The Blue Carpet Band when I was 16 or 17 and I've been a fan ever since. He always brings one thousand and one percent to his performances! To any aspiring frontmen/women out there this is not a band to be missed! 

The Blue Carpet Band Live at 229 4/11/23

From the moment that Djamel took to the stage the whole basement venue were in his hands. I feel that he did a number of things which made the performance really memorable: he fell off the stage face first at least twice throughout the set one time when he did this he stayed there whilst the band started up the next song and he looked to be out cold but then he kicked his feet into the ground in time and jumped back up there. Before 'Hangover Cure' which is an ingenious song in which Djamel professes that when the girl in question wakes up on the floor he will be her hang over cure, Djamel asked the audience who had a drink and said something relatable about being hungover. I recently joked to a friend that I think I'd run a mile if a guy sang 'Best Part' by Daniel Caesar and HER to me adding that I'd much rather someone sang 'I will be your hangover cure!' Djamel also walked out into the crowd and went up to everyone and sang at them which as you can imagine being in the front couple of rows had me in fits of laughter! Later in the show whilst standing at the back with some friends I couldn't locate him and then I realised he was all the way over at the merch table singing! I've not seen anyone who does that better! I remember one time when I was younger loving the fact that they were selling babygrows on the merch table! Jon the sound engineer from the birds nest fondly recounted a tale of a gig I wish I'd seen where Djamel jumped up onto what was left of the bar which used to be in the middle of the pub which has since been removed and danced on it! The crowd loved every second of it and there were plenty of fans rocking out at the front! The musicians were on top form aswell I really enjoyed seeing Djamel interacting with one of the guitarists when he was speaking on his instrument and Djamel would comically react to the notes somehow like a sort of dialogue. At one point he turned around and wiggled his hips whilst looking at the drummer. If you love to see someone throwing themselves around onstage and you love Elvis The Cramps then be sure to catch The Blue Carpet Band! 

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Sophie Wynne

Sophie Wynne

I love anything with rawness

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