What do you think are the big issues young people face today?

Y7 needs your voice to help inform policy decisions

What do you think are the big issues young people face today?

I’m incredibly excited to announce that I’ve been officially selected to join the Future Leaders Network as a Y7 Ambassador ahead of this year’s G7 summit. The Y7 is the official youth engagement group for the G7. Young leaders from each G7 country come together to write policy recommendations on behalf of youth which are presented to the world leaders.

In June 2021, Prime Minister Boris Johnson will host a meeting with leaders from Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, the US and the EU. They’ll be discussing the big issues the world is currently facing and what action they can take to solve those problems.

Young people have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic. I want to know what you think the big issues are that world leaders should take action on, and what you think they should do?

I’ll be collecting and representing voices on political matters such as:

• Climate Change & Environment

• Digital & Technology

• Health

• Economy


I’ll be putting these views forward to help ensure youth voices are heard by world leaders at G7 and considered in policy-making decisions.  This helps to ensure that the decisions and agreements made by world leaders represent the needs of young people. 

If you’re aged 17-30 and would love to share your voice, please contact me at [email protected] before April 26th. 


This is our chance to make a change.

Header Image Credit: UK Prime Minister CC BY-NC-ND 2.0


Elle Farrell-Kingsley

Elle Farrell-Kingsley Kickstart Team

Elle is a Journalist and Presenter interested in all things arts, current affairs, technology, gaming, culture, politics and policy. She's based in Surrey and London, and when she's not writing, she's taking part in her local MMA classes or travelling.

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  • Diana Walton

    On 22 April 2021, 09:36 Diana Walton Voice Team commented:

    Wow Elle this is fantastic, well done! You'll be a brilliant ambassador & Voice can help to amplify young people's views about this vital summit.

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