#LoveArtsAward15 competition win a £50 voucher!

2020 marks the 15th year since Arts Award launched! To celebrate we're running a competition to find your creative responses to #LoveArtsAward15, with a £50 arts voucher as the prize! Get your paints, cameras, voices or dancing feet ready as we'll be asking you to make something special to share your love for art. 

#LoveArtsAward15 competition win a £50 voucher!

To enter the competition you just need to take a picture or create a 15-second video or audio clip showing why you love art.  

The competition brief

Step one: Create your art 

Tell us in any art form why you love art! What does it mean to you? How does it make you feel? What does it add to your life? You could create a painting, write a monologue, make a short film, build a sculpture, create an animation, choreograph a dance, write a poem, or anything that takes your fancy. As long as it's creative and it shows your passion, go for it! 

Step two: Share your art

Showcase your love of art in 15 seconds! To enter the competition we want to see a 15-second snippet of your creative response shared on Twitter or Instagram. This could be a video or audio recording, and it doesn't have to be fancy. You can record on a phone, computer, straight into Instagram, whatever it takes to share your art publicly. 

Don't forget to tag @Voicemaguk on Twitter or Instagram and use the #LoveArtsAward15 or your entry won't be counted. 

You have between 1 September and 15 November to enter the competition on Instagram or Twitter and be in with a chance of winning! 

To enter the competition: 

  • Participate on Instagram or Twitter between 1 September and 15 November
  • Share a 15-second snippet of your artwork on Twitter or Instagram (can be a video, audio or moving photo collage of your created artwork) 
  • Your artwork can be in any art form, including dance, drama, music, painting, script, poetry or more, as long as you showcase it in a 15-second snippet of video or audio
  • Tag and follow @Voicemaguk on Twitter or Instagram
  • Use the #LoveArtsAward15 and #ArtsAward15

Winners, winners, winners!


After the closing date, our Guest Judges will select ONE winner and THREE runners up who will feature in an online gallery on Voice mag and receive an arts voucher of their choice. They'll be looking for the pieces that show artistic flair, passion and creativity with their chosen art form. 

First Prize - £50 voucher of their choice and a gallery feature on Voice magazine

Three Runner-up Prizes - £20 voucher of their choice and a gallery feature on Voice magazine

So, get creating and show Arts Award some love.

Entry criteria 

Our judges will be looking for creative flair and artistic passion! It doesn't matter what art form you use, be it dance, drama, music, painting, graffiti or more, but they want to see just a snippet of your passion and creativity. What makes you tick? Show us 15 seconds for 15 years of new art being created. 

Competition T&C's

  • The competition is open to anyone between the ages of 13 and 31 years old, at the time of entry.
  • You don't need to be participating in or already have an Arts Award to enter.
  • Any and all art forms are welcome but must be presented in a 15-second snippet on Instagram or Twitter, either as a video file (which could be a montage of images) or audio file.
  • Each entry must tag @Voicemaguk on Twitter or Instagram and use the #LoveArtsAward15 to be considered as an entry. 
  • You can enter as many times as you like and entries can be from a group, individual or organisation. We will only feature one of your entries in the top slots.
  • It is free to enter the competition.
  • Entries must not contain any defamatory, obscene or offensive material.
  • Entries must be made between 1st September 2020 and 15th November 2020 to be considered, unless otherwise stated. 
  • The winner and three runners up will have their project featured on Voice magazine. 
  • If your 15-second snippet is selected as a winner or runner-up for the competition, Voice magazine will be in contact with you for an interview and feature for Voice magazine and we will ask your name, location and details about your involvement with art. Your 15-second snippet from social media will then be shared on Voice magazine. 
  • All winners and runners up entrants will be notified by email during November 2020. Voice magazine will also post the winning selections on Voice magazine and on Voice social media channels after the winners and runners up entrants have been notified.

  • By entering this competition, you agree to grant Voice magazine an exclusive right to publish your entry (or transcripts of your video/audio entry) and you agree to take part in PR and promotional activities associated with the competition. Voice magazine reserves the right to make minor changes and edits to a winning entry for the purpose of publication.

  • Voice magazine reserves the right to amend these Terms & Conditions or cancel this competition at any stage, if deemed necessary in its opinion and if circumstances arise outside its control. In this event, a notice will be posted on our website at voicemag.uk/artsaward

    If you have any questions please contact [email protected].


Arts Award alumni of 15 years: We're looking for you

To help Arts Award celebrate this milestone we're looking for stories from those who completed their Arts Award around 13 to 15 years ago. Perhaps you're an Arts Award adviser now? We’d love to know what you’re up to, where you’ve been and how your artistic practice is going! Get in touch and tell us all about it. 

Happy birthday, Arts Award! 


Nici West

Nici West Voice Team

Nici is the an editor for Voice. She loves all things books, theatre, music, art, visiting other countries, anything creative, and sometimes attempts to make YouTube videos. Alongside Voice she writes and edits through her own pursuits.You can occasionally find her running marathons dressed as a black dog.

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