Could you first introduce yourself to the reader?
I’m Jess, I’m 23 and originally from Cumbria but have lived in Manchester for around 18 months.
And what is your role within the Creative Traineeship Programme?
I am the Guest Relationship Trainee working to support the business side of the organisation through events.
What does a typical day look like for you?
Every day is different but mostly a lot of R&D, venue scouting and tea.
What’s great about your job?
My manager Isabelle, working in an office of lovely, passionate people, getting to know Christine Cort and being part of a team of Trainees. I genuinely love it.
And what is something you find difficult or challenging?
Personally, having to be very open and communicating what I need or something that I need help with but my manager has supported me with this.
How did you first get onto the programme?
I attended the open day at The Works in November and was invited to come back to start training. Once that was over, we all had to interview in front of the heads of department and I was one of the ‘fortunate’ ones to interview in front of eight different managers in 10 minutes.
Why did you apply for the Creative Training Academy?
I was recently unemployed and decided that now I had the opportunity for a career change, I wanted a creative job. I came across the advert on the Job Centre Manchester Twitter and fit all of the criteria so I decided to try my luck.
What has been a highlight of your experience?
Meeting all of the amazing people that I was with at the CTA and now work with. I have made some strong friendships and without them, this experience wouldn’t be the same.
How have these opportunities helped you develop?
It has increased my confidence and self esteem and helped me realise my potential.
Do you now feel more confident in pursuing a career in your chosen field?
Definitely. Working in an arts organisation is so different to anything I have done in the past, but working for such an incredible organisation like MIF has given me the confidence to know that I can strive for more.
Do you believe that opportunities like this are helpful for young people looking to get into a creative career or organisation?
100%. The arts have done things the same way for a long time and I couldn’t be more on board with how MIF are pioneering mass disruption to the industry.
Was a creative career something you had considered before taking part in the Creative Training Academy?
I had been creative all my life but my career had never reflected this and I was ready for change. I was just fortunate enough that this all had happened at the right time.
What advice would you give to a 16-year-old wanting to get into the industry?
Be involved in as much of the city’s art offering as you can and introduce yourself to the people that are creating a new path for people like you and me.
Do you have any advice for young people interested in doing your kind of job?
Be confident in who you are and accept everything that happens as part of the process.
In your opinion, what is ‘unmissable’ about MIF19?
Outside of the big headliners, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer’s Atmospheric Memory is definitely not one to miss.
We are releasing interviews from all seven MIF Creative Trainees throughout May. To read the others, click here.