Interview with comedian Kirsty Mann

"Do it because you love it, and do the best job you can do. "

Interview with comedian Kirsty Mann

Could you first introduce yourself to the reader?

Hi I’m Kirsty Mann. I’m a comedian who has been living a secret double life for 10 years.

How would you describe your show?

It’s a story of love, deception, ambition and neurosis. It’s about me, it’s presented by me, and according to several reputable sources, it’s funny, emotional and “insert quote from reputable source.”

What is your favourite part of your show?

I really like the pre-show music. It’s worth coming just for that. Also, there’s a bit where I act out a scene from Holby City and I must say, I’m brilliant in it. 

If your show had a theme song, what would it be and why?

No-one knows by Queens of the Stone Age. Although, after the show everyone will know my secrets.

What is one thing you hope audiences will take away from your show?

I hope they leave with the confidence to be themselves, own their truth and other empowerments. I also hope they remember my name and follow me on the various social medias.

If you could add a surprise celebrity cameo to your show, who would it be and why?

Someone who is famous for their double life. Maybe Batman, or Walter White or Tiger Woods. 

Why do you want to perform at Edinburgh Festival Fringe?

It's the biggest, most wonderful arts festival in the world. If that doesn't legitimise telling jokes as a life choice, what will?

What differentiates it from other festivals?

It’s busier, more exciting, there’s more to see, it’s more party. It’s also different because it is in Edinburgh, whereas a lot of other festivals aren’t.

What is one thing you would change about the Edinburgh Festival Fringe?

The overheads! It is so expensive.

How has your background, upbringing and education had an impact on your artistic career?

Oof. I don't even know where to start. Well, as you'll find out when you come to the show, it has tied me in knots for years, but ultimately has given me a fairly unique thing to talk about.

What is your favourite thing about performing for a live audience?

The feeling of excitement and tension in the room.

What is the strangest thing that has ever happened to you while performing?

Oooh ok so I wasn’t on stage I was in the audience, but recently I was watching Wagatha Christie in the west end and a very famous celebrity starting heckling the actors mid performance. 

What's the most challenging or unconventional venue you've ever performed in, and how did it impact the overall experience?

I worked for a company called Pimlico Opera who take shows into prisons and rehearse and perform them alongside the inmates to external audiences. It was the best experience. I met some really interesting people and learned so much.

Is there a piece of feedback you've received from an audience member or critic after a performance that’s stuck with you? 

“That was very vigorous dancing, I’m surprised you weren’t sick”.

What is your favourite thing to do in Edinburgh when you're not performing? How do you relax and look after your mental health?

I really like to visit the little statue of Greyfriars Bobby. Seeing him sitting there stoically reminds me that no matter how small or doglike you are, if you work hard enough, you can attract a crowd of tourists. 

Is there a show you’re excited to see when you’re up there?

Kathy & Stella Solve a Murder.

What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone thinking about taking a show up to Edinburgh? If you’ve never been before, what would you say has been (potentially) the most useful?

Do it because you love it, and do the best job you can do. See as many shows as you can and be nice to everyone. Being part of the performing community is a wonderful thing. Also remember to throw the milk out before you leave for Edinburgh, I’ve made this mistake twice.

When and where can people see your show?

5.50 Pleasance Courtyard 2-27th August (not 15th)

And where can people find you online?

  • Youtube @KIRSTYMANN
  • Twitter @kurdymann
  • Insta @kurdymann
  • TikTok @kurdymann
Header Image Credit: Provided


Tom Inniss

Tom Inniss Voice Team

Tom is the Editor of Voice. He is a politics graduate and holds a masters in journalism, with particular interest in youth political engagement and technology. He is also a mentor to our Voice Contributors, and champions our festivals programme, including the reporter team at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

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