Interview with Finlay Christie, writer and comedian

We talk to Finlay Christie about their debut hour at Edinburgh Festival Fringe, and what differentiates it from other festivals.

Interview with Finlay Christie, writer and comedian

Could you first introduce yourself to the reader?

Hey reader, I’m Finlay Christie. I’m 23. I’m a comedian, writer and I sometimes make videos. But enough about me.

How would you describe your show?

It’s my first show and I’m really proud of it. It’s about university, being Gen Z, and not taking anything seriously. There’s also a bit where I critique some stand-up I did when I was 7 years old. 

Why do you want to perform at Edinburgh Festival Fringe?

It’s fun!

What differentiates it from other festivals?

If you were on MDMA the entire time, you’d definitely die. 

What first motivated you to enter the industry? Who were your inspirations?

I loved stand-up as a kid. Phil Kay was my hero. Such a chaotic performer. It looked like he went onstage with no idea what he was about to do. I also liked John Hegley because he did silly poems about wearing glasses, and I wore glasses. Representation matters.

How has your background, upbringing and education had an impact on your artistic career?

I went to private school so my boundless self-belief probably stems from that.

What is your earliest childhood art memory?

My earliest memory of making art was probably messing around on GarageBand. Made some serious bangers.

If you didnt have your current job, what would you probably be doing?

I work in marketing writing TikToks for companies. If I wasn’t doing that I’d be doing stand-up. If I wasn’t doing that I’d be making YouTube videos. If I couldn’t do that I’d have carried on studying. I did my degree in French and Chinese and I’d have loved to do a Masters abroad.

Did Covid-19 change the way you create work? Do you approach shows with a different mentality now?

I had to make content online because nobody could laugh at me in person. I think that gave me a better sense of humour in a way. The algorithms train you to be funny and captivating. Also I’ve never written a show before so that second question doesn’t apply to me. Whoops.

Describe the last year in 5 words or less?

Busy but insanely cool.

Do you subscribe to the idea that art should be exempt from cancel culture?

No and I think the Mona Lisa is due a cancelling. Does everyone make that joke?

If you could work with anybody, from any point in history, who would you pick and why?

The girl reading this.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to take a show up to the fringe?

Can you not? The less competition the better.

When and where can people see your show?

The Wee Room, Gilded Balloon Teviot.

And where can people find, follow and like you online?

@finlaycomedy on Instagram and Twitter. Finlay Christie on YouTube. Check out my YouTube series ‘When they go to a foreign country in a Hollwyood film’! It’s a humorous takedown of orientalism in action movies.

Finlay Christie’s debut stand up show ‘OK Zoomer’ will be at the Gilded Balloon Teviot Wee Room from 3rd to 28th August for tickets go to

Header Image Credit: Piers Alladyce


Tom Inniss

Tom Inniss Voice Team

Tom is the Editor of Voice. He is a politics graduate and holds a masters in journalism, with particular interest in youth political engagement and technology. He is also a mentor to our Voice Contributors, and champions our festivals programme, including the reporter team at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

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