Sarah Taylor Silverwood - Art House Open Lecture

Meadow Arts and University of Worcester’s Fine Art department are delighted to present the Art House Open Lecture Series2019-20, a fifth season of talks in Worcester by some of the most exciting contemporary artists working in the UK.

Sarah Taylor Silverwood - Art House Open Lecture

About this event

Starts: Wednesday 27 November 2019 4:30 PM

Ends: Wednesday 27 November 2019 6:30 PM

At: The Art House, University of Worcester, Castle Street, Worcester, Worcestershire, WR1 3ZB

Organised by: Meadow Arts

Meadow Arts and University of Worcester’s Fine Art department are delighted to present the Art House Open Lecture Series2019-20, a fifth season of talks in Worcester by some of the most exciting contemporary artists working in the UK. The free talks take place at the University's brand new art studios, The Art House in Worcester City Centre on selected Wednesday evenings from 4:30pm to 6:30pm, and include a chance to ask questions after each presentation. The talks are free and open to all; booking is recommended.

Sarah Taylor Silverwood has a drawing-based practice, often working with ceramics, animation and installation. Recent projects include Daphne at The New Art Gallery Walsall (solo show, 2019), Crowd Show at NN Contemporary (2018), Multistory (2018 commission), the British Consulate in Chicago residency, USA (2014). Sarah is a recipient of the 2019 Feeney Fellowship. She is a Board Director for DACS (2014-present) and the Whitworth Wallis Trust (2017- present). Sarah is a member of Modern Clay Co-op and a studio holder at Grand Union.

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Meadow  Arts

Meadow Arts

Exceptional contemporary art in unusual places: large scale exhibitions & new artworks from the best upcoming and established artists.

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