In Conversation: Artists John Beck & Matthew Cornford

Matthew Cornford and John Beck are the second commissioned artists for Meadow Arts and Hereford College of Art’s partnership project at No.1 Station Approach, Hereford.

In Conversation: Artists John Beck & Matthew Cornford

About this event

Starts: Wednesday 17 May 2023 6:00 PM

Ends: Wednesday 17 May 2023 8:00 PM

At: Hereford College of Arts, College Road, Hereford, HR1 1EB

Organised by: Meadow Arts

Inspired by the fast-flowing and bold visual environment of competing signs and signals that populate the busy intersection of Station Approach, Matthew Cornford and John Beck aim to create a vibrant illuminated sign attached to the Hereford College of Art’s (HCA) halls of residence. The artists have taken their cue from the way art schools historically announced their presence by prominently displaying the word ‘Art’ itself on the front of the building

To celebrate the launch, Matthew Cornford and John Beck will talk about their work at Station Approach and its relation to their wider project on the cultural history of British art schools, including the exhibition currently showing at the New Art Gallery Walsall titled The Art Schools of the West Midlands.

Following the talk, guests are invited to walk down to No.1 Station Approach to view the artwork.

This exhibition is the first of the fifteen projects to be launched in the city thanks to the support of Stronger Hereford.

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