Buffet Dance: "The Boys Are Back"

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Buffet Dance: "The Boys Are Back"

About this event

Starts: Saturday 17 November 2018 7:30 PM

Ends: Saturday 17 November 2018 11:30 PM

At: The Civic, Hanson Street, Barnsley, S70 2HZ

Organised by: The Civic (Barnsley)

The Royal British Legion Churchfield Branch 1099 Sunday Club are celebrating 100 years since the end of WW1 with a Buffet Dance titled “The Boys are Back”.

The live music will be provided by “Swingamathing”, a band that includes 1940’s type music in their repertoire.

The Buffet will be provided by Baileys Caterers of Monk Bretton.

Attendees are requested to wear 1940’s type clothing to add to the occasion.

Why not join us for a very enjoyable evening.  Everyone is welcome

Tickets £20

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The Civic  Barnsley

The Civic Barnsley

Our artistic programme provides lots of opportunities for children and young people to enjoy and participate in the arts. We regularly host schools visits to our exhibitions and encourage schools to book for performances in the Assembly Room offering supporting workshops with the visiting companies whenever we can.As an arts award supporter and we actively encourage schools and other groups to use us as a resource for learning and creative development.

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