Perfectly Imperfect Women

In this universal story, multi-award-winning storyteller Danyah Miller explores what drives us to want to live perfect lives.

Perfectly Imperfect Women

About this event

Starts: Thursday 4 October 2018 2:00 PM

Ends: Thursday 4 October 2018 7:30 PM

At: artsdepot 5 Nether Street Tally Ho Corner North Finchley London N12 0GA

Organised by: artsdepot

What makes us want to be perfect?
What’s so bad about imperfection anyway?

In this universal story, multi-award-winning storyteller Danyah Miller explores what drives us to want to live perfect lives. This is one woman’s search for a richer understanding of ‘perfection’ and what it means to accept imperfection in order to connect more deeply to her female line.

This theatrical storytelling show examines the often complex relationship between mothers and daughters and the challenge of discovering you may have more in common with your female ancestors than you care to admit.

Header Image Credit: Perfectly Imperfect Women

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artsdepot North Finchley

artsdepot North Finchley

5 Nether Street Tally Ho Corner North Finchley London N12 0GA

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