Here at Voice, we’ve curated the ultimate playlist for International Women’s Day and Women’s History month, to help you feel the strength, love, respect and power of being a woman.
From Doja Cat to Beyonce to Aretha Franklin, we're sure there's something for everybody!
Who runs the world? playlist
Got any suggestions to add to the playlist? Leave them down below!
This is the content we wanna see!
Okay so I'm thinking: I'm every woman -Whitney Huston, anything by Dolly Parton, Runaway -Aurora, Compromise - Molly Kate Kestner, girls - girl in red, Therefore I Am - Billie Eilish, Daddy Lessons - Beyonce, Just Got Paid - Sigala (and Ella Eyre, Meghan Trainor). aand I'll leave it there for now!
But love this idea!