French Fries and Margarita drops in to release their unique brand of couture-pop

There are some seriously catchy bops coming from whatever planet French Fries and Margarita call their hometown.

French Fries and Margarita drops in to release their unique brand of couture-pop

French Fries and Margarita is a mystery. To say the least, really. Their actual identity is unknown; hell, we don’t even know their gender. But what we do know, is that there are some seriously catchy bops coming from whatever planet they call their hometown.

Comprising LGBT+ issues, and the anonymity of couture fashion, French Fries and Margarita embodies all that is wonderfully weird with their unique outlook of what it means to be a popstar. The act takes the “style versus substance” debate and rips up the rulebook, deeming that no, actually - style and substance are both necessary for pop acts in 2021.

With their identity fully under wraps, and their debut single ‘Crimes Against Nature’ due to drop on the 9th April, it’s waiting with baited breath for us, to see exactly what this enigmatic star is going to do next.

‘Crimes Against Nature’ is released on the 9th April 2021. Meanwhile, you can follow them @frenchfriesmargarita on Instagram and @frenchfriesmarg on Twitter.

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Poppy Laine

Poppy Laine

Music and lifestyle writer focusing on the up-and-coming music scene and life reviews. Get in touch with me at if you have something that you think I might like!

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