Etham Releases EP 'Patterns'

Nestled in the heart of acoustic-driven pop, Etham’s latest EP, ‘Patterns’, unfolds like a poetic narrative spun by a dreamy idealist. The songs resonate with the ebb and flow of emotions, mirroring life’s intricate patterns.

Etham Releases EP 'Patterns'

‘Waiting for You’ and ‘I Won’t’ paint vivid pictures of the enduring aspects of relationships. The former, a hopeful ballad, radiates optimism as Etham croons about patiently waiting for love’s return. The latter, with its solemn piano notes, captures the essence of standing strong during the darker moments. It's a powerful declaration of loyalty, a promise to weather storms.

Yet, 'Patterns' is not confined to the rosy hues of love. The title track signals a shift, a contemplative gaze at the changing dynamics in a relationship. ‘Guilty’, a breakup anthem bathed in comforting melodies, showcases Etham gracefully letting go, leaving no room for bitterness.

The EP reaches emotional peaks with ‘You're the Reason’ and ‘Know Me Yet’, tender love songs that celebrate the beauty of intimacy. Etham's velvety vocals and the delicate interplay of percussion and piano create an immersive experience, a testament to the artist's commitment to his craft.

In 'Patterns,' Etham transcends the confines of conventional pop, infusing his acoustic core with contemporary harmonies. Each track is a testament to the artist's attachment, a melodic reflection of his favourite compositions. Etham invites listeners to unravel the intricate threads that connect us, urging us to examine the patterns that shape our lives.

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Poppy Laine

Poppy Laine

Music and lifestyle writer focusing on the up-and-coming music scene and life reviews. Get in touch with me at if you have something that you think I might like!

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