YUPHORIC returns with new anthem titled ‘Mom’s Song (ft.MERON)’

The Berlin-based duo YUPHORIC collaborated with fellow artist MERON on new hip-hop track.

YUPHORIC returns with new anthem titled ‘Mom’s Song (ft.MERON)’

Broken hip-hop beats, light soul, and electronica are essentially the pillars of producer and multi-instrumentalists Yuval Gantz and Phøn's collaborative project. So their new release is no exception to that and is a beautiful voyage across these genres.

This song's quality is probably due to the way it naturally developed during a conversation with Meron. The group started to think about what it meant to be an artist, all the labor that goes into it, and how self-doubt can all too quickly seep in. "MOM'S Song" can be seen as an anthem for everyone (musicians but not only) and a message of hope. No matter how hard it is, how long it takes, and what others think, when one finds their path, they shouldn't give up. Definitely, something a lot can relate to - if not everyone.

To know more about YUPHORIC, the pair met back in 2012 in Tel Aviv and similar music tastes made them start working together in 2020, co-writing and producing with integral artists from the Berlin music scene, such as Sedric Perry, Mike Nasa, Noah Slee, Meron, K.ZIA, Rodes Rollins and other international artists.

We can only hope for more inspirational messages from YUPHORIC in the future.


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