Another beautifully reflective morning greeted us at the British Film Institute (BFI), Southbank on Saturday 8th January 2022. OBU was loaded with everything we needed (including three of the e2e Crew!) to enable us to turn the learning spaces into the BFI's very own Green Screen Studio & Control Room for the Saturday Mini Filmmakers Club to enjoy!
Our e2e Crew loved meeting club members; instructing them to use our professional cameras and sound in the mobile TV Studio and vision and sound mixers in the separate Control Room.
"I really liked helping the children learn and watching them enjoy their first green screen experience." Andrew, e2e Crew
We were thrilled to be able to share the morning with the Mini Filmmakers as their special guests; giving them an introduction to multi camera TV Production by putting the children into real life TV production roles. Mixing and keying live meant the children could be transported to anywhere in time or space right there and then - allowing for lots of green screen fun as club members enjoyed 'Making Up The News' in their own mini programme.
"The feedback from our regular students was that they really enjoyed it!" Paul Cotrulia, Lead Tutor British Film Institute
It was a pleasure to meet and work with all the young people at the BFI's Mini Filmmakers Club and we can't wait to return in February for our three day workshop, with the Young Filmmakers. More on that soon!