Italian Enigma Giulia Newest Release 'Trippin'

Italian fashionista turned singer songwriter Giulia has returned with 'Trippin', a gutsy, dynamic track that welcomes in a new era for this talented musician. 

Italian Enigma Giulia Newest Release 'Trippin'

Hailing from sunny Italy Giulia’s back with new music. This time her dulcet tones are spread over hard hitting electronic beats instead of the strong sweeping choruses we’ve been used to. ‘Trippin’ signals a departure from the sound of her first album and introduces a whole new era of Giulia, so get ready to fall in love with her all over again…

What I really love about the absolute powerhouse that is Giulia, is that as an artist, she always takes risks with her sound while also remaining inherently true to herself. The tone and pace of her music in this track is definitely slower than the music she’s released before, appropriate for the dark love she sings about on the track. 

With graceful harmonies scattered throughout coupled with lyrics like “Is it the music deep in me, or you, or the pill baby.” It’s no surprise that she’s set to release an equally fast paced and steamy music video in the next few months that should leave you all hanging off the edge of your seat!

On this track I particularly love the harmonies and small details in the background! The way they add so much more depth to the track really polishes it up and show Giulia’s attention to detail with her music. The seamless blend of genres is also enthralling and beguiling. Of course this will come as no surprise considering she spent her early years traveling with her mother, a fashion entrepreneur and her father, a professional polo player. 

Naturally, the number of genres that she grew up surrounded by all appear throughout this track and if this is just the start of her new sound, then I cannot wait to see what else 2019 has in store for her.

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Poppy Laine

Poppy Laine

Music and lifestyle writer focusing on the up-and-coming music scene and life reviews. Get in touch with me at if you have something that you think I might like!

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  • Emrys Green

    On 25 January 2019, 09:59 Emrys Green Voice Team commented:

    Great summary and pleased you're loving some music :)

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