The Furze Platt Art, Design and Technology show

A review of GCSE and A-level art show

I went to see a Arts show at Furze Platt Senior School it was called Furze Platt Art, Design and Technology show 2016 It was showing all the work over the years of GCSE and A-Level students taking Art, Design and Technology. At the show I saw a tray that held a ipad, a dress and some plastic holders they looked very nice.

At the show my favourite piece was the tray that held the ipad because it looked very cool and it looked very nice.

other things that were there was dresses, paintings and models and sculptures

I thought that the Art show was very well put together and it was very neatly set out.

I think next year people should go to it because it helps for inspiration if they are taking Art, Design or Technology for GCSE or A-level.


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