Nelken at Sadlers Wells

This powerful recreation of Pina Bausch's iconic Nelken demonstrates how this piece is more pertinent than ever.

Nelken at Sadlers Wells

The stage is set with an exquisite field of endless carnations and commences with the performers elegantly dressed as they carefully tread through them. As they sit amongst the flowers, this won't be the first time that a striking image sustains the silence and audience's awe.

Pina Bausch's work has an incredible ability to open up expansive concepts and themes of love, repression and control and simultaneously ensure that individual character shines through making the experience relatable and all-embracing. The relevance of this piece nowadays draws upon new perspectives on mental health as well as the political direction the world in heading towards, however, the endless possibilities of interpretation makes the experience rich and personal. 

The timeless poetic imagery fused with the fluid choreography ignites a variety of thoughts and sensations and the command of the stage in terms of arranging bodies in space expands and contracts accordingly with the nostalgic music. The absurdist comedy brings a warm and light touch which is reflected in the performers nonchalant tone and contrasts with the raw cry's for help and painfully stubborn silences in other moments.

The intricate set which evolves throughout shows how integral it is to the piece as it affects the quality of movement and transforms before our eyes. The changing perspective of the set is also reflected in the lighting design which uses brightness and focus to great effect in changing the performer's presence in the space and reinforcing the themes poignantly.

Overall the way the pieces transitions, builds up the layers incrementally, and leaves you stunned questioning and wanting more is truly an emotional and sensation-probing experience well worth watching.

Header Image Credit: Oliver Look

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Monica Cox

Monica Cox Voice Reviewer

Monica is a theatre and film director, writer and dramaturg with a particular interest in queer and female stories. She has a degree in Spanish and Russian and a Masters in Theatremaking.

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