Trainee Production Manager

ETT are looking to support an aspiring Production Manager in the early part of their career by giving hands-on experience across at least two Productions and mentorship from a range of senior venue and freelance Production Managers.

Trainee Production Manager

ETT are looking to support an aspiring Production Manager in the early part of their career by giving hands-on experience across at least two Productions and mentorship from a range of senior venue and freelance Production Managers.

This opportunity is intended for someone to step into a production management role for the first time; you will work alongside their teams to deliver productions from inception to first night.

Some of the skills you will learn will include:

  • Budget management
  • Staffing
  • Scheduling
  • Creative team liaison (specifically tour parameters in regard to set and budgetary constraints)
  • Contract negotiations and shop liaison, attending regular production meetings, working in consultation with ETT's freelance Production Manager
  • Feeding into and managing risk assessments
  • On the ground technical and production experience in venues and on tour, including plan development, touring riders, managing technical rehearsals, transport logistics, get ins and get outs


The fee will be £6,710 to cover the period (the weekly rate is £550, which is pro rated for 3 day weeks to £330). Travel, accommodation, and a per diem will also be provided when required.


  • Some experience of working in production-based roles in theatre, film, TV or events
  • A curiosity to develop a career as a Production Manager in Theatre and, in particular, an interest in touring theatre
  • Clear and calm communication and a warm and friendly manner
  • Demonstrable experience of being able to handle an array of tasks simultaneously and efficiently, and being able to deliver to clear deadlines
  • The ability to take initiative and be a positive team member
  • Attention to detail
  • An interest in improving working practises in theatres around Environmental Sustainability

Desirable Skills

  • Some practical knowledge in carpentry, lighting, sound or video
  • Understanding of the UK Theatre / Equity Sub-Repertory and BECTU Agreements for Backstage staff


Header Image Credit: ETT


Voice Magazine

Voice Magazine

Voice is a magazine and platform for young creatives covering arts, culture, politics and technology. This account contains anonymous posts, information regarding the website and our events.

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