Apply to the Watersprite Film Festival Media Team

If you live near Cambridge and love film, apply to become part of the Watersprite Festival Media Team! 

Apply to the Watersprite Film Festival Media Team

The Watersprite Film Festival Media Team is a group of 16-18-year-olds who will volunteer across the festival weekend to write reviews, interviews, blogs, produce social content and assist the video and social media teams. The role is designed to give students 2 days of valuable experience in media and reporting whilst also learning about the film and creative sector by attending talks, screenings and panels during the festival itself. If you live within a 1-hour train journey of Cambridge, apply below

The Role:

  • As a Media Team Member, you will be responsible for reviewing events, interviewing artists and professionals, creating social media content and reporting to the Watersprite Team.
  • It's likely to be a packed weekend so we want to give you as much agency over your work and content as possible. This means meeting your own deadlines, producing your own work and working effectively together in a team.

About You:

  • The main requirement for this role is enthusiasm. Whether you make films yourself, are passionate about journalism or love the idea of meeting other like-minded creatives, we want to see an excitement for the creative arts!
  • No experience is required in any way but please do share why you are interested in joining the team.
  • Organisation, teamwork, time management and attention for detail are all skills we'll be looking for in the Media Team. As well as general enthusiasm!

On the weekend:

  • You get to rep Watersprite with snazzy t-shirts!
  • You'll be in central Cambridge from 10am-3pm on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th of March 2022.
  • The deadline to apply is 25th February 2022. There will be a training session on the week of February 28th.

Apply below:

Header Image Credit: Donald Tong via Pexels


Sienna James

Sienna James Voice Team

Formerly Assistant Editor, Sienna now studies History of Art at the University of Cambridge and loves to write about the intersection of politics, history and visual art. Sienna is author of the Creative Education and Instaviews series.

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