Jay Martin’s ‘RedT'Blue’ (R2B) just made its cinema premiere at The Broadway Cinema in Nottingham. On 26 February, individuals from the political, legal, and film industries flocked to the cinema to watch Martin’s acclaimed documentary which explores the result of the 2017 General Election within Mansfield.
Having interviewed Martin and Ben Bradley (MP), I was fortunate enough to be offered an invitation to R2B’s premiere where I used the opportunity to discuss in further detail both the documentary and film with my fellow attendees.
Now, if you have not seen the documentary or read my review then let me quickly get you up to speed. The award-winning documentary chronicles the story of the constituency of the mining town, Mansfield. It had used to be historically a safe ‘red’ seat, and had been held by Labour for 94 consecutive years. The 2017 Election changed everything, as it was one of the first historically safe red seats to turn ‘blue’. In an unprecedented move, Sir Alan Meale (Labour) was swapped for Ben Bradley (Conservative). Martin documents this seismic political event, and how the town transitioned from ‘RedT’’Blue’.
Given the countless number of controversies the incumbent government has been embroiled in, namely 'Gray Day', 'The Pork Pie Plot', Downing Street Parties, No. 10's Refurb and Boris Johnson's Birthday - my curiosity had been piqued by the documentary on if they would be able to hold constituencies like Mansfield.
The way that I investigated this was admittedly not an exact science in its approach but more grassroots. I spoke to the politicians and local residents at the premiere to investigate why Mansfield elected Bradley and whether the government’s litany of scandals will impact who they vote for in the future.
Why Did Mansfield Go From ‘RedT’Blue’?
Martin professed when I interviewed him that he feels the town is now a safe seat for the Conservatives. R2B identifies what I believe were the four salient factors which lead to their election of Bradley as MP; Sir Alan Meale (Former MP, Labour), Ben Bradley (Current MP, Conservative), UKIP and then of course Brexit.
So, what did my fellow attendees, and in particular, those from the local area feel were the reasons for Mansfield going ‘Red’TBlue’?
The Labour Party
Troy Jackson and Amy Benson are local residents who told me a local phrase about the Labour Party. Mansfield was considered to have been such a safe seat for the party that locals joked you could “pin a red rosette on a donkey”.
This is to say that regardless of who the candidate is or what their policies are, Mansfield voted Labour. Andry Abrahams - Labour’s mayoral candidate, explained that the constituency is a collection of mines and that this composition led to ardent support for Labour.
Until 2017, that is, when underlying resentments about the complacency of Sir Alan Meale boiled over. Meale was Mansfield MP for twenty years, but over time was seen to be simply resting on his laurels. R2B portrays him as a man who fell out of love with politics and had lost enthusiasm for being MP – something which wasn’t lost on his constituents.
Rachel Smith from Nottinghamshire, said that similar sentiments were felt throughout the whole county. Labour passed a number of controversial policies which led to disillusionment across Nottinghamshire. Rachel told me that the decision not to preserve treasured mining sites and closing a school in Geddling are just two of these.
Labour’s waning popularity and controversial policies in hindsight set the stage for the Conservatives.
The Conservatives
R2B explains Bradley’s youthfulness, exuberance and vision for genuine change won him the election, enabling him to capture the votes of the disenfranchised voters from both The Labour Party and UKIP (despite lingering resentment towards Thatcher).
Neil Harbinson is both local solicitor within the country and is also a member of The Conservative Party. Neil explained Mansfield never really recovered from the closure of the mines during the Thatcher era, which he believes was the right decision at the time but one that did not necessarily age well over time. He argues if there was investment into alternative employment to expedite their economic recovery, Labour may not have had such strong footing.
Once Sir Alan Meale’s complacency became apparent to residents it appears that they had turned ‘blue’. Academic literature has long suggested the party’s success is attributable to an image of competence, allowing them to capitalise when their rival’s perceived competency became tarnished.
which allowed them to take advantage of their rival’s loose footing in order to secure victory in 2017.
R2B sums it up by outlining a ‘perfect storm’ where the party had a reputation for competency and Bradley, who’s novel approach, active canvassing and conviction for change won over residents of Mansfield.
‘The Perfect Storm’
R2B, as previously mentioned, details a ‘perfect storm’ that enabled victory for the Conservatives in 2017. Brexit is of course explored in depth but attendees educated me on two main auxiliary factors as well – Mansfield’s mayoral elections, and the right-wing owned media.
John Barsby from Mansfield personally believes that the mayoral elections were a harbinger for 2017. Come 2015, Labour lost Mansfield to Kate Allsop (Mansfield Independent) by a considerable margin. John suggested that this was perhaps an indicator of what was to come two years later.
Emma Bainbridge who works in the local county council believes the media had a role to play in 2017. Emma suggests the right-wing owned media had controlled the local narrative leading up to the election, allowing them to prop up their man in Bradley.
Will Mansfield Remain Blue?
From the conversations I was fortunate enough to have at the premiere of the documentary, Mansfield for now feels like it will stay a ‘blue’ seat come time for the 2024 General Election – unless the necessary changes are made by Labour.
Labour needs to restore its reputation for competency and put forward a candidate to rival Bradley. Unless these changes are made then it seems unlikely that it will be able to start reconstructing the ‘Red Wall’.
So, why should we care what happens in Mansfield?
Local resident Charlie Bone suggests that the town is a microcosm of the country. Mansfield’s story could very well unfold in many other seats throughout the country in two years time. Labour can certainly glean some lessons from Mansfield.
Charlie made a comment which I agree with, in that if these necessary changes are made by the ‘reds’, Mansfield may become a swing seat in 2024.