20 October 2015
'My Word is Gold' winner: Freya Averley
Freya Averley, lives in Newcastle. She is now 16 - she did her Gold Arts Award while 15 - and has been training circus intensively for nearly 4 years with Five Ring Circus at Circus Central in Newcastle.
19 October 2015
Being an Apprentice – 1 Month later…
Just over one month after I joined Unit Twenty Three as an apprentice, and so far it's gone pretty well!
14 October 2015
Top tip 7: Call AAA
Your help-at-hand, mentor and fixer. Artist, teacher or youth worker. Use them – they want to help you make your Arts Award fly, and they'll have great experience to share.
29 September 2015
What’s your Gold worth?
Did you know that UCAS, the organisation who handles your university application, recognises Gold Arts Award, offering 35 points for a pass? Well it's true!
29 September 2015
Desi Rascals: The debate about how ‘desi’ it actually is
My family and I have been watching the acclaimed Sky Living, scripted reality series Desi Rascals.
24 September 2015
My Morning With Lenny!
Sitting on a panel alongside a member of the Casting Directors Guild, a famous actor/comedian, and a freelance director, is not a bad way to start your Saturday.
16 September 2015
Technical Creativity: Using Practical Skills in the Arts
Can technical skill and creative freedom really both be found in the same place?
24 August 2015
Christian O'Connell: You've Ruined My Morning...And Other Fan Mail
You'd expect Christian O'Connell, celebrated breakfast radio DJ, to come out and express an infectious confidence and have a wide presence on stage. You wouldn't be disappointed.
24 August 2015
Morgan Berry: Watership Down
Rabbits, a Carwash and a Bafrican. No, that's not a typo.
24 August 2015
Chris Martin: This show has a soundtrack
No, it's not that Chris Martin. Although, oddly, he has the same middle name.
21 August 2015
Festival of the Spoken Nerd: Just for Graphs
Graphs, fire, and ukulele's - the nerds are back!
20 August 2015
Pick of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2015
We return from our third stint at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe with the second award for the best shows we saw during our time there. Ladies and gentlemen, this is our Pick of the Fringe.
19 August 2015
Kyle Kinane: Ghost Pizza Party
The best stand up comedian of my fringe experience
17 August 2015
Ed Gamble: Lawman
This young comedian takes it up another level as he dazzles us with his jokes.
17 August 2015
Pierre Novellie is Anxious Peter
English humours with a South African accent
16 August 2015
John Lloyd: Emperor of the Prawns
Philosophical exchange meets stand-up with this post-lunch time lecture.