5 January 2016
Arts Award Off The Shelf: Max and Ivan
In this video, we got the chance to visit the Southbank Centre in London - a dedicated Arts Award Supporter centre offering young people a range of opportunities to engage with the world of the arts! Voice Activist Lizzy Whynes also had the pleasure of interviewing character comedy duo Max & Ivan about what it's like to be professional comedians and also getting some top tips on how to get started writing and performing comedy!
30 December 2015
The best spoken word artist of the decade is: Benjamin Zephaniah
The winner of the title of best spoken word artist since 2005 and Arts Award's birth goes to Benjamin Zephaniah. He was voted for by you as part of our survey celebrating its tenth birthday!
29 December 2015
Being an apprentice – 3 months later…
Well, time flies when you're having fun, especially when you're an apprentice. Since the last blog, I've handled more responsibility, whilst learning and fully appreciating the world of work!
27 December 2015
The best game of the decade is: Angry Birds
This December we asked you to vote for your top arts since Arts Award launched in 2005! Today, we're revealing Angry Birds as the winner of the Gaming category. Here are the highs (and lows) of Angry Birds' existence to date.
13 January 2016
Celebrate with us on 13th January 2016!
Join us for an evening of music and celebrations...
7 December 2015
Creativity Takes Confidence
Art is all about opinion. There is no right or wrong answer. But because of this, we as artists invest so much of ourselves into our work and to show that to the world can make you feel exposed and vulnerable. It's often hard to trust your opinion, that what you're creating is of a high quality, and it takes guts to share that work with others.
1 December 2015
Celebrate Arts Award’s first decade by choosing the best art!
We're celebrating Arts Award turning 10, and this December we want YOU to choose the best in the arts since 2005. Remember to add your email address when you vote, so we can add you to our prize draw to WIN A Hudl, £40 Theatre Tokens, an annual under-26 Art Pass OR £20 iTunes Voucher. We'll keep the polls open until 16th December and will announce the most popular moments between Christmas and New Year...get voting!
26 November 2015
Random Acts: A bit of the Journey
This blog was written by Puffin Ethics a young spoken word artist from Herefordshire.
I could probably write a small book about my experience making a film with the Rural Media company for this Random Acts Project, but I've tried really hard not to. I also tried hard not to open with a clique...obviously not hard enough. No one's got time for books anymore anyway, that's why you want to make a film, right? I'll try and keep it snappy. -
23 November 2015
Top tip 8: Is that my reflection?
Tip: Make a plan, keep a diary, review on video, think. It's what Arts Award's about (as well as art). Enjoy watching Dom working out his strengths and weaknesses!
23 November 2015
Top tip 6: My beautiful portfolio
This is where you show off your wonderful work so get it going it from the off. Document everything as you go – or you'll miss out best bits! Your portfolio may come in handy for college or job interviews, so make sure you're proud! Take a look at Tom's Gold portfolio or Dan's Gold Blog or Corina's Bronze work experience blog.
23 November 2015
Top tip 4: Remember the backstage boys (and girls)
Check out the guys behind the art – techies, curators, website designers, marketeers…interesting work. Kolby thought so too – read his Gold opinion piece.
23 November 2015
Top tip 3: Artists are wonderful
Find them, talk to them, work with them - get inspired across the arts. Great place to start is reading Voice interviews …and you'll find some artists already love Arts Award, check poet Holly McNIsh
23 November 2015
Top tip 2: KISS
Keep It Simple Stupid! Challenge yourself to do one creative thing - don't make life too complicated. Check out Voice's How to guides for straight-talking help.
23 November 2015
Top tip 1: Love your art
Choose an arts activity you really enjoy and you'll love doing your award too. Arts Award lets you decide what you do, so now's the time to get into some crazy art form no-one's heard of but you think is great. Maybe it's time to give yarn-bombing a go?
19 November 2015
Top tip 10: Use your Voice
Love the content on our new site? Get posting now!
7 November 2015
Arts Award are down at MozFest 2015 this weekend to look at the ways we can get creative with technology and digital media.
6 November 2015
Technology – the next step for society or our greatest downfall?
In today's society, we've come so far with technology – smartphones are a necessity, laptops are at our fingertips, and the internet is basically our lifeline. But is it really worth it?