How to...make a great Arts Award portfolio

Want to know how to make your Arts Award portfolio as brilliant as you can? Here are our top tips to take it to the next level...

How to...make a great Arts Award portfolio

1. Make sure your portfolio shows your Arts Award work and tells the world something about you as an artist, so design it the way you want it to be. Don't be scared to get creative with it, and do something no one has done before.

2. It can be a written portfolio, a video diary, an audio recording, a cartoon book, a website...whatever you can think up, the world is your oyster. Just be sure that it shows off your work, and has all your evidence included.

3. Use the portfolio 'Contents' page from your pack so that anyone who looks at your portfolio can find their way around easily. This will also help you to set it out in clear sections, and be sure you've included everything you want to.

4. Make sure your portfolio shows how you have developed through the award. What are the key stepping stones in your progress? Moderators will want to see the notes and work along the way – not just the finished product.

5. Show the full range and scope of your skills – don't sell yourself short! Be proud of your achievements and let us know about them.

6. Make sure your photos and recordings are good quality. This will give your whole portfolio a professional finish, and will show your work off to the best standard.

7. Evidence your curiosity and the research you've undertaken into your arts activity:

  • Who's influenced you?
  • What have you found out about?
  • How has it changed what you do?

8. Show how you've worked with others and include comments from other young people. It's great to see that you can create work alongside others.

9. Include examples of your arts work: photos, sketch books, audio and video files etc. It's great to see the work from as many angles as possible, and don't forget close ups! It'll help bring your work to life, to people who don't have the chance to see it in person.

10. Make sure you know your work – you'll have to talk about it when it's assessed!

Image via Tumblr, Courtesy of Liana_Kyle


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