Join us at Swansea Science Festival and meet some actual robots!

Longitude Explorer will be at Swansea Science Festival so come along and meet the team, meet some real life robots and register for the chance to win £25k for your school or youth group! 

Join us at Swansea Science Festival and meet some actual robots!

About this event

Starts: Saturday 26 October 2019 10:00 AM

Ends: Sunday 27 October 2019 5:00 PM

At: National Waterfront Museum, Oystermouth Road, Swansea, SA1 3RD

Nesta Challenges' Longitude Explorer Prize (LEP) engages young people across the UK to think about innovative solutions to society’s biggest issues. This year, we’re inspiring 11 - 16 year olds to develop an understanding of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) & how it’s impacting the World.

@NestaChallenges has just launched #LEP2019 which is looking for #AI solutions to the world's biggest issues. Learn more about the Challenge:

Pop along to the Swansea Science Festival - for the chance to find out how to get involved in the Longitude Explorer Prize - the Nesta team will be on hand to chat over interactive fun activities and refreshments.

Details here:

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