Your 2021 Pride Anthem: Piera’s ‘Love Is Meant For You’

Imagine a song that sounds like hugs.

Your 2021 Pride Anthem: Piera’s ‘Love Is Meant For You’

Imagine a song that sounds like hugs. It sounds like celebration, and love, and happiness, and coming together. And pride. And Pride (with a capital P).

Piera has long prided (hehe) herself on combining good ol’ fashioned pop hooks with activist messages - and this latest track is no exception. It’s a sweet little pop song about love. But that’s not all. Imbued within this seemingly simple exterior is a defiant attitude, and a celebratory one. LGBTQ+ people have had to fight for this simple right for so long now that love is honesty something of a revolution. Something which is celebrated in this track, for lovers of all kinds, everywhere in the world.

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Poppy Laine

Poppy Laine

Music and lifestyle writer focusing on the up-and-coming music scene and life reviews. Get in touch with me at if you have something that you think I might like!

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  • Hector Macduff

    On 11 June 2021, 16:07 Hector Macduff Kickstart Team commented:

    Can confirm, certified bop.

  • Ophelia Appleby

    On 14 June 2021, 19:27 Ophelia Appleby Kickstart Team commented:

    sounds wholesome. all depends on the bass-groove tho tbh.

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