Singer Stacey Jackson's Book debut “How A Gangsta Rapper Made Me A Better Mom”

Multi-Award-winning TV presenter, singer and entrepreneur Stacey Jackson is fitting another title under her belt with the release of her sensational first novel “How A Gangsta Rapper Made Me a Better Mom”. 

Singer Stacey Jackson's Book debut “How A Gangsta Rapper Made Me A Better Mom”

Based on Stacey’s sublime success story of chart-topping hits and collaborations with the likes of Snoop Dogg, this heartwarming, humorous debut on resilience and motherhood will captivate readers and leave them with the undying message that it’s never too late to live your dreams. 

Stephanie Bloom, a mother on the sheer brink of global stardom, finds her world flipped upside down by the sudden tragic loss of her husband. Left in a chaotic struggle to balance her new-found stardom and her husband’s iconic restaurant to run, Stephanie is faced with life-altering decisions - will she prioritize her family or continue to pursue the success she has always hoped for? 

Amidst an ongoing battle with heartache and unassuming perseverance, Stephanie is cautiously met with a life-changing opportunity to collaborate with “The Most Famous Rapper In The World.” Opening up a door to a whirlwind of bustling, hectic life in the USA and the outlandish world of music, Stacey is left wondering how she can simultaneously be a stay-at-home mum, with harsh realities to face in her everyday reality. Will she opt-out, aim for the stars, or balance it all at once?  

Unpredictable, inspiring and wonderfully fun, “How A Gangsta Rapper Made Me A Better Mom” is a thrilling, glittering new read you will be simply unable to put down. 

“How A Gangsta Rapper Made Me a Better Mom” is available to order on 14th February.

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Poppy Laine

Poppy Laine

Music and lifestyle writer focusing on the up-and-coming music scene and life reviews. Get in touch with me at if you have something that you think I might like!

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